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Out-of-State and International Outreach Program

Welcome to UC San Diego


After 10 years, the Out of State and International Outreach Program is concluding.  With its mission to support international and out of state students to engage in the UC San Diego campus, acclimate to American and California culture, connect with other UCSD students, and utilize university and colleges resources, the Outreach program has served countless students through leadership opportunities for interns, community building and educational events, and other beloved initiatives, especially the Board of Out of State Students (BOSS) and the Global Ambassador Program, which paired incoming international & out of state students with current UC San Diego students.

For more information on programs designed for Out-of-State and International students, please contact your College's Student Affairs Office or the International Students and Programs Office.


All programs at the Undergraduate Colleges, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, do not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.